The Easter season is a time for us to concentrate on
resurrection, not crucifixion. This false world we live in is one that
reflects crucifixion, one of judgment and beliefs in sin and separation.
God's Love is redemptive. His Kingdom is one of joy and Love where no
judgment occurs. When we come to know who we really are, when we come to
know that we are One with Him, that we are Love as He is Love, we "resurrect"
our true Self. As Jesus became the Christ and returned in his
recognition and remembrance to the Father, we awaken the Christ within
us and we walk the same path of return that he did.
A number of you have asked whether you can purchase a printed book of "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To Divine Consciousness: Healing From Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse" which has been available by free download. Now you can purchase through Amazon on the link below this small (pocket size) and inexpensive but very powerful book, not only for your use but also to give away to those you love and want to help. Please spread this blessing. IF YOU HAVE READ THE ELECTRONIC VERSION AND WERE BLESSED BY IT, PLEASE CONSIDER LEAVING A REVIEW ON AMAZON. Thirteen-Steps-Move-Victim-Cons ciousness/dp/1481989987/
A number of you have asked whether you can purchase a printed book of "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To Divine Consciousness: Healing From Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse" which has been available by free download. Now you can purchase through Amazon on the link below this small (pocket size) and inexpensive but very powerful book, not only for your use but also to give away to those you love and want to help. Please spread this blessing. IF YOU HAVE READ THE ELECTRONIC VERSION AND WERE BLESSED BY IT, PLEASE CONSIDER LEAVING A REVIEW ON AMAZON.
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