Our relationships are the manna through which we come to know God. They are the primary vehicle in this world through which we can see past appearances to the God within --- as we see the God within the other person, we will see God within ourselves. Too many people flee once the first sign of conflict arises in a relationship, especially in marriage, but they will repeat failed relationships until they become aware of what God is trying to show them. We must stay present in the relationship, even if that means feeling hurt and grief and anger. It is through our staying present and processing our emotions that we grow, because God is Love, and we must be emotionally open to know Him and that Love, to know that we are Love. Even if your spouse or friend does not remain present and open when conflict arises, this does not hinder your ability to grow from that relationship. In fact, these are your opportunities to learn true forgiveness and to bless that person for what they are giving you in terms of helping you to see who you truly are.
Lawrence Doochin
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