How can we make judgment of something we do not understand? And I promise you that we do not understand anything, because we judge on partial evidence.
Our eyes bring us what it is our mind wants to see. Our mind wants to see what it is that validates our beliefs. And our beliefs have been created from our experiences, which are narrowly focused and unique to us. This is why we make judgments --- self judgments, judgments of others, judgments of situations or experiences, judgments of our divinity and God --- based on partial evidence. Partial evidence is no evidence --- how many times have we judged someone or something, only to get "evidence" down the line that made us realize we were wrong?
Place no faith in judgment, because judgment is not of God. His Love, Unconditional Love (Love without conditions), sees past all of the "errors" or "sins" we think that we or others have done in this dream to His holy child who has never separated from Him. So how do we walk in this world without judgment? We evaluate, we discern, from Love, not from the ego's judgment. Then we can truly be making decisions based on His Will for us.
Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website ( where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth.

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