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Daily Light: October 2021

Sunday, October 31, 2021
Longing For God

 This world will always disappoint you. It can never fill the hole of longing you have for God’s Love, because the desire for that Love is inseparable from you --- this is why you were created. Even the relationships in this world will disappoint you unless you see God in the other person and understand that it is a holy relationship. How many times do you have to be disappointed in the world before you finally turn to Him for good?

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Saturday, October 30, 2021
Your “Problems”

 An outside or worldly view does not "solve" your problems. They are solved by seeing them with God’s perspective --- then there are not really problems; there are opportunities to grow closer to Him. You may have to clear out the muck and false beliefs to recognize the peace and joy that awaits you, but he is there to assist you if you allow Him to help you see from a higher perspective.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Friday, October 29, 2021

 You cannot do anything to establish your guiltlessness. This is who and what you are as a Child of God.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Thursday, October 28, 2021
Love And

 Do you notice how you say "I love you, but... You are telling someone that your love is conditional based on them doing or not doing a certain thing. How about I love you and I wish you would …

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Wednesday, October 27, 2021
At War With Yourself

 Do you realize your mind is constantly at war with itself? It is always arguing, judging, telling you what you should or shouldn't do, always separating things into good and bad. Do you realize this is insanity? 

This is the type of argument that goes on in your head --- should we drive a Ford or Chevy across the lake (there is no bridge and the car cannot magically convert into a boat). You are debating and making choices that have no meaning whatsoever. And we have "created" a whole world with no meaning, because what is going on in our heads, the meaningless thoughts, get projected out and create the world we see. So we think that the role we play and the events that happen in this dream are real, and this obscures us from seeing what is really Real.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Tuesday, October 26, 2021
How God Looks At You

 What if you lived somewhere where achievement, looks, prestige, position and family of origin didn't matter? Where you were embraced and loved just for who you are. Now do you see how God looks at you?

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Monday, October 25, 2021
How Love Overcomes

Love doesn't over come by force. It overcomes by gentleness. It fills the vacuum when everything that is false falls away.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Sunday, October 24, 2021
Awakening To God

 God can only awaken you at the pace you can handle. It may seem slow to you, but He can only fill the void left as the ego is gradually released. Patience gives you a strong appreciation and gratitude for the sweetness of His Love.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Saturday, October 23, 2021
Without Cause

 God, who is Love, is the Cause and you are the Effect of His Love. Fear is an effect which has no Cause, because only God and His Will exist. Anything without a Cause is not Real.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Friday, October 22, 2021
What Is Changeless?

 Only Truth is changeless. Anything that changes --- your beliefs, your perceptions, your experiences --- is transitory and false.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Thursday, October 21, 2021
Appearances Are Not Reality

Quantum physics has proven that only one unified energy field exists --- there is no separation. If God exists, then God is All there is. And if God is All there is, then upi are One with God. If God is sinless, you must be as well, because you have your Being in Him. It may appear that you commit acts of sin, but appearances are not reality.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Created By Love

 You were created out of Love so that God could have an experience of Himself, of Herself as Love. You are that holy and loved. 

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Tuesday, October 19, 2021
God Is The Cause

 Life is all that exists. God is the Cause, and His one Beloved Son/Daughter/Child, which is who we are, is the Effect. Love begets Love.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Monday, October 18, 2021
Find The Ultimate Reality

The Devil, hell, evil, sin, sacrifice -- these are all legs on the same stool. You withdraw belief in one, and the whole stool falls. It’s not that these don’t exist at one level of reality and we need to be aware of them. But they don’t exist at the ultimate level of reality which is God, love, peace, joy, and abundance. Find that ultimate level of reality within you. Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is within. 

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Sunday, October 17, 2021
An Endless Fountain Of Abundance

 You are both one with and also have abundance, as you are One with God and are also given His Kingdom. You can only recognize your right to abundance if you recognize your divinity, and you can only do this if you recognize that you are clear vessel through which it flows. 

Abundance does not belong to "you." It belongs to everyone. If you have financial abundance and try to hoard it, you will lose that abundance. Again, that abundance comes from God and does not belong to you. Someone who tries to hoard it lives in separation and ego based reality. 

When you live in a Unity based reality, you are not fearful of running out, because you know the abundance is always there. The Native Americans had a give away ceremony where someone in the tribe gave away all of their possessions. This was very wise. Not only did they recognize that too many possessions are like baggage and take us away from what is Real, but they knew that you give to receive. This is how the Universe works, like an eternal endless fountain. As you give, you are giving to yourself because we are One. So you are activating and energizing a basic principle of Creation.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Saturday, October 16, 2021
Vision And The Means

 When God gives you a vision of what you are to do, then He will also give you the means to accomplish it. Doors will open, people will come in to your life, and it will be easy.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Friday, October 15, 2021
Could Have ….

 Could have, would have, should have, and should are not the vocabulary of someone who sees with vision.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Thursday, October 14, 2021
The Crucifixion

 The crucifixion is the ultimate representation of the ego. Because he was completely guiltless, Jesus and his body had to be destroyed, because his accusers believed that by doing so, his Light would no longer shine into their shadow areas and illuminate the guilt that they lived with and was the basis for their existence.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Casting The First Stone

 What is the message we should get from the statement by Jesus that the person without sin should cast the first stone? The message is that we should always be witnessing and working on ourselves. This process never ends, and there is never a time we should be "casting the first stone," because there is always more work we need to do on ourselves. 

When you cast that stone or you blame, you are looking outside yourself. You are projecting out how you feel about yourself, and doing this stops the work you are doing on yourself and slows you in your path to God. Pull that projection back in, witness your thoughts and how you see your "sins," and keep working on yourself so that you can grow closer to Him.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Tuesday, October 12, 2021
The Essence Of Love

 Love surrounds you. It is calling to you, "see me here, see me there." The wind whispers your name. The trees and blades of grass bend toward you in Love, telling you that you are a part of that same Love, telling you that you are holy and reflect His glory. The birds sing your praises. This is all for you! You only need to listen. You only need to look. You only need to trust. Under the falseness that is this world, under the static and activity of what you have to do live in the world, this Love is there. It will always call to you, for you are its Beloved.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Monday, October 11, 2021

 The world likes to use labels such as saying someone is stupid, fat, lazy, gay, etc. Using labels is a way of projecting your negative belief about yourself on to another person. It is a way of pushing someone off so you don't have to deal with them and the truth of who they are. If you don't have to explore this, you don't have to explore how you see yourself in a negative light. 

When we label a group of people, we believe that it gives confirmation (falsely) that our belief is true, because there are numbers. We think that if there is a large group of them, these numbers give credence to our judgment. Pushing them off and judging them makes us feel safe, but this is a very false and temporary safety.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Sunday, October 10, 2021
Sin Is Only Error

 You can't take away something that never existed. Jesus "died" not to take away sin but to show that it never existed to start with.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Saturday, October 9, 2021

 Suffering is not God's Will for you. Suffering on this journey is not mandatory. In fact, it is as far away from God as you can go. Who in their "right mind" --- this being the Mind we share with God and not our false ego mind that most people operate from --- would want to suffer? And who would believe that a God, who is Love, would want suffering for you? 

We suffer because we resist those experiences that are brought to us, by our request and Will, to show us who we truly are. We are Love. Does it make any sense that we have to undertake a journey of suffering to reach that recognition of Love? 

Most of us do suffer, because we resist dropping those false beliefs we have about ourselves. When you try to stay in one place and you resist where it wants to take you, the River of Life bashes you (suffering) against the rocks. But make no mistake. Suffering is by our choice, not some punishment that God has decreed we must pass through to "earn" our divinity and His Grace. We are Divine and One with Him simply through our Creation. This is eternal and unalterable, regardless of how "sinful" we believe we are, regardless of the false beliefs we hold about God being judgmental and punishing.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Friday, October 8, 2021
Fear Versus Love Thoughts

 Fear thoughts always revolve around anger, judgment, bitterness, frustration, resentment, self pity, and victimization. Love thoughts are gratitude, compassion, acceptance, humor, joy, respect, and peacefulness.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Thursday, October 7, 2021
Forgiveness Is Only Needed In This World

 Forgiveness is only needed in this dream world. In His Kingdom, there is no need for forgiveness, because we are One, and what has been done to you or done by you falls in the Divine order of the one body of Christ. We are One making decisions for the One.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Be Passionate

 Be passionate about something. This doesn't include making money. Having that as your primary reason doesn't work anymore. Be passionate about a venture, a project, a cause. Be passionate about being alive. When you do that, great abundance will come to you. This will include not only financial abundance, but so much more --- the fruits of Spirit --- Love, peace, and joy. And these are what you truly long for.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Tuesday, October 5, 2021
The Highest Form Of Relationship

 The highest form of a relationship is one where both people know that God meets all of their needs. Unfortunately most relationships are based on one or both people looking to the other person to fulfill something which they believe is lacking within themselves, and this is almost always at an unconscious level. 

A relationship can be romantic, friend, employer, etc. You come together in these relationships to have those areas and false beliefs you have about yourself not being whole mirrored back to you through the dynamics of the relationship. So when the relationship brings up friction, don't run, as this is what you have chosen at a spirit level for healing in order to come back to God. If you allow the false beliefs to be exposed to the Light and you get past the anger and hurt, you see the God within that other person and the gift they have been giving to you. This is God meeting God. Then your relationship is very holy and one of great joy and authenticity, because you don't place any expectations or unconscious burdens on the other person to meet your needs.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Monday, October 4, 2021
Reborn In God

 Remember that you will always be presented with circumstances, experiences, or relationships that make you feel uncomfortable, especially in the times that we are now. These are meant to help you grow, for you to see what is holding you back in terms of false beliefs about yourself and God. These are gifts that have been brought to you to help you see past appearances. 

When you are reborn, it is not an easy process. the birth canal squeezes you and sometimes you move so slowly it seems that you are not making any progress. But you are, and He is with you through every trial, as you are being reborn in Him.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Sunday, October 3, 2021
Many Threads

 Just like Joseph’s coat of many colors, we are many variations but all contained in one body of God. We are each a thread in that coat. Why would we judge another when we are meant to be “different”.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Saturday, October 2, 2021
The Simple

 Don't be caught up in the "grand" ministries and forget the simple but very important ones in your daily life such as being present and loving to your family. Raising a child to be a healthy adult who is authentic and a light in the world is one of the greatest blessings and ministries you can give to help us all to remember God.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.


Friday, October 1, 2021
Right And Wrong

 “Right” and “wrong” are arbitrary and are based on perception. They are determined by you through your belief system. As your belief system changes, so does what you view as right and wrong. Further, everyone else has a different belief system and a different view of what is right and wrong. Anything that is variable is not of God.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2600 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.