What does it mean to be a Christian? It does not mean to be one in name only. This is worshiping a false god. If you put your focus on anything but God -- like your wealth, your career, your reputation, really anything of this world -- then you are not a Christian. If you think it is okay to stay (for we all go there sometimes) in judgment of yourself, of others, of groups, of nations, etc, then you are not truly understanding and practicing what Jesus came here to show us. For when he said judge not lest you be judged, he was referring to the reality that we are One. As we judge, we judge ourselves. What you do unto the least of my brothers, you do unto me. Another profound statement of our Unity. Jesus spoke this as the Christ, not as the personality who was in this world 2000 years ago. He is making these statements to aid you in the awakening of the Christ within you, for there is only one Christ, of which we are all a part.
Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2600 statements on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.
Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing and spirituality, including the latest: “A Book On Fear: Feeling Safe In A Challenging World” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. This is a powerful book for these times that helps us to see where our beliefs come from and how they create fear in us. It includes many simple tools to move out of fear.

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