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Daily Light

Saturday, August 3, 2024
A Unity Perspective

 Because the vast majority of people in the world believe in the appearance of the world and not the reality that is behind it (God), we talk and debate about completely meaningless concepts. We discuss things like who is to blame in a certain situation (this is pervasive), which political party should be in power, whether being gay is hereditary, etc, etc, etc --- all meaningless from a God and Unity perspective. Do you understand that when you rise above the false, there is no blame, no judgment, no debate of what is meaningless because it is false and does not exist! There is only acceptance through an understanding of the Unity that we are all inseparable from. Do you want to help the world? Then raise your consciousness and become a bright Light that shines away the false. Then all "problems" --- the famine, the wars, the judgment go away, because darkness and falsity cannot exist in the Light.

Lawrence Doochin 

These posts are similar to the over 2600 statements on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.

Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest: “Part Of A Greater Something: Discovering Our Purpose And Joy In Business And Professional Life” which can be purchased on Amazon at the link below.


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